How I made a remarkable discovery in LGBT history - by mistake! Listeners to Radio 4's Today Programme will have heard Eamonn O'Keeffe, a doctoral student in the Faculty of History, explaining a new discovery. 11 Feb 2020
New MSt/MPhil in History Strand - Women’s, Gender and Queer History The Faculty is delighted to announce that, from 2021, we will be offering a new strand in our MSt/MPhil in History.
Dissidences sexuelles et de genre en URSS et dans l’espace postsoviétique; Sexual and Gender Dissent in the USSR and Post-Soviet Space (2021)
Dr Sloan Mahone Associate Professor of the History of Medicine Faculty of History | Centre for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
Dr Jack Doyle Research Associate: The Public's Health: The Methods, Ethics, and History of Public Health in Moving Images
10 Feb Annual Special Lecture - The Canons of Nablus and Sexuality in Medieval Western Europe Professor Ruth Karras (Trinity College Dublin) East School, Examination Schools
10 Feb LGBT History Month: Oxford History Faculty LGBT Workshop Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL
22 Feb LGBTQ History Month Workshop: Performance and Queer Histories PERFORMANCE AND QUEER HISTORIES: FROM SHAKESPEARE TO TCHAIKOVSKY AND MARC ALMOND Seminar Room, Radcliffe Humanities Building
2 Feb LGBTQ+ History Month – Oxford History Faculty LGBTQ+ History Workshop Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL
16 Oct Special Faculty Lecture: “Decently-Clad Women and Trousered Men". The Missionary and the Body Professor Philippa Levine Online via Zoom