Dr%20Elina%20Screen: List of publications

Showing 1 to 11 of 11 publications
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Coining it? Carolingian rulers and the Frankish coinage, c. 750-900

Remembering and forgetting Lothar I

Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles 66: Norwegian Collections Part II

An unfortunate necessity? Hincmar and Lothar I

Currency conversion: coins, Christianity and Norwegian society in the late tenth and eleventh centuries

Rahankäytöstä 1400-luvun Suomessa [Coin use in fifteenth-century Finland]

Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles 65: Norwegian Collections Part 1

Lothar I in Italy, 834-840: charters and authority

Lothar I, the man and his entourage

The Norwegian coin finds of the early Viking Age

Anglo-Saxon law and numismatics: a reassessment in the light of Patricks Wormald's The making of English Law I