Dr%20Kevin%20W.%20Fogg: List of publications

Showing 1 to 15 of 15 publications
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Indonesian islamic socialism and its south asian roots

Making an Indonesian National Hero for Lombok: The shifting category of pahlawan nasional

State and Islamic education growing into each other in Indonesia

Book Reviews-Southeast Asia

Reinforcing charisma in the bureaucratisation of Indonesian islamic organisations

Decolonization and Religion: Islamic Arguments for Indonesian Independence

“News of Independence Spreads,” “Muslims Embrace the Revolution,” and “Shaping Indonesia and Its Government,”

Islam in Indonesia’s Foreign Policy, 1945-1949

The Influence of Muhammad ᶜAbduh in Indonesia: Speech given by Hamka (Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah) when receiving a doctorate Honoris Causa from al-Azhar University, Cairo

The standardisation of the Indonesian language and its consequences for Islamic communities

Evaluating the PRRI Rebellion as a West Sumatran Peasant Movement

Islam in Indonesia's foreign policy, 1945-1949

Seeking Arabs but Looking at Indonesians: Snouck Hurgronje’s Arab Lens on the Dutch East Indies

The Missing Minister of Religion and the PSII: A Contextual Biography of K.H. Ahmad Azhary

One Islamic Community, Two Rival Sisters