Dr James McDougall: List of publications

Showing 1 to 38 of 38 publications
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Laïcité, sociologie et histoire contemporaine de l’islam

Secularity, sociology, and the contemporary history of Islam (Laïcité, sociologie et histoire contemporaine de l’islam)

The space of sovereignty, the shape of exile: Territory and movement in French Africa

Abd al-Qādir, al-amīr (Emir Abd el-Kader) (1808-1883)

Ben Bādīs, ʿAbd al-Ḥamīd' (1889-1940)


Rule of Experts? Governing Modernisation in Late Colonial French Africa

Sovereignty, governance, and political community in the Ottoman empire and North Africa

The impossible Republic. The reconquest of Algeria and the decolonization of France, 1945-62

In the shadow of revolution

A History of Algeria

Culture as War by Other Means: Community, Conflict, and Cultural Revolution, 1967-1981

A world no longer shared: losing the droit de cité in nineteenth century Algiers

Modernity in "antique lands": Perspectives from the Western Mediterranean

Global and Local in Algeria and Morocco: The World, The State and the Village

Locating Social Analysis in the Maghrib

Sacral Suicides, Unpunishable Killings, Rites of Power

Frontiers, Borderlands, and Saharan/World History

Saharan frontiers. Space and mobility in northwest Africa

The British and French Empires in the Arab World: Some Problems of Colonial State-Formation and its Legacy

Crisis and Recovery Narratives in Maghrebi Histories of the Ottoman Period (ca. 1870-1970)

Dream of exile, promise of home: Language, education, and Arabism in Algeria

The Secular State’s Islamic Empire. Muslim Spaces and Subjects of Jurisdiction in Paris and Algiers, 1905-1957

Histories of Heresy and Salvation: Arabs, Berbers, Community and the State

État, société et culture chez les intellectuels de l’iṣlāḥ maghrébin (Algérie et Tunisie, c.1890-1940), ou la réforme comme apprentissage de l’arriération

Social memories “in the flesh”: War and exile in Algerian self-writing

État, société et culture chez les intellectuels de l’iṣlāḥ maghrébin (Algérie et Tunisie, c.1890-1940), ou la réforme comme apprentissage de l’arriération

After the war: Algeria’s transition to uncertainty

المسجد و المقبرة. فضاءات المقدس و السلطة الرمزية بمدينة قسنطينة سنة 1936

The Fetishism of Identity: Empire, Nation, and the Politics of Subjectivity in Algeria

History and the Culture of Nationalism in Algeria

Martyrdom and Destiny: the Inscription and Imagination of Algerian History

Savage Wars? Codes of Violence in Algeria, 1830s-1990s

The Shabiba Islamiyya of Algiers: Education, Authority, and Colonial Control, 1921-57

Myth and Counter-Myth: "The Berber" As National Signifier in Algerian Historiographies

Nation, Society and Culture in North Africa

« Soi-même » comme un « autre ». Les histoires coloniales d'Ahmad Tawfîq al-Madanî (1899-1983)

The Emergence of Nationalism