Dr Matthew Landrus


I currently teach:


History of the British Isles, 1330-1550

History of the British Isles: The Late Medieval British Isles, 1330-1550

European and World History:  Renaissance, Recovery and Reform, 1400-1650

Further Subject: Anglo-Saxon Archaeology of the Early Christian Period, c. 600–750

Optional Subject: Nature and Art in the Renaissance

Further Subject: Culture and Society in Early Renaissance Italy, 1290–1348

Optional Subject: Conquest and Colonisation: Spain and America in the Sixteenth Century

Further Subject: Flanders and Italy in the Quattrocento, 1420–1480

Paper IV: Art and History

Further Subject: Encountering South Asian Sculpture


Further Subject: Histories of Madness and Mental Healing in a Global Context.

  European and World History: Global Networks of Innovation, 1000-1700: China, Islam and the Rise of the West
  Honour School of Natural Science - Supplementary Subject: History and Philosophy of Science


Graduate Papers: 

  • MSt History: Theory and Methods
  • Ideas meet Things: Why Materiality Matters in History of Science, Medicine and Technology 
  • Science and Practice: Instruments, Collections and Museums
  • State and Society in Early Modern Europe
  • The Dawn of the Global World, 1450-1800: Ideas, Objects, Connections
  • The Global Middle Ages
  • The Scientific Revolution, 1540-1740