Encounters / Rencontres
The 35th Annual Conference for the Society for the Study of French History
Booking Now Closed
Registration for the Society for the Study of French History’s conference in Oxford, 10-13 April, is now closed. However, if you want to attend, or have questions about registration, please contact ssfh2022@exeter.ox.ac.uk .
The programme for the conference can be consulted on your right, or by downloading this pdf. Please bear in mind that, due to Covid and other factors, the programme may be subject to last minute change.
- If you have registered but have not yet paid, you can still do so at https://www.oxforduniversityshops.co.uk/exeter_sundry. Please quote reference BS5197-RA14 SSFH2022
- Guidance for chairs of panels at SSFH conferences is available here
- The Society’s conference code of conduct is available here.
- Guidance on eating out in Oxford is available here
- A map of Oxford with key conferences marked is available here
- Information about Exeter College and Cohen Quad is available here: https://www.exeter.ox.ac.uk/about/
- Information about access and health/welfare arrangements is available here
- Instructions on remote participation for delegates attending hybrid sessions will be emailed directly this week.
We look forward to seeing you in Oxford.
The SSFH2022 organisers.
Twitter: #SSFH2022
Registration plus all parallel and plenary sessions will be held at Exeter College Cohen Quad. Refreshments will be available in the Learning Commons. Lunch will be served in the Dakota Café at Exeter Cohen Quad.

Sunday April 10
- Delegates can check into their accommodation at Exeter Cohen Quad and register from 2pm
- 15:30 – SSFH Steering Committee Meeting, Kloppenburg Room, Exeter Cohen Quad
- 16:00 – 17:00. Possible visit to the Pissarro Exhibition, Ashmolean Museum
- 17:30 – 19:00 Welcome Reception, Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10 Norham Road.
Monday 11 April
- Registration from 08:30, Exeter Cohen Quad, Learning Commons
- 09:15 – 09:30 Welcome and Introductions
- 09:30 – 10:30 Keynote 1: Dr Christina Horvath (Bath), Banlieues as Loci of Encounter, from Working Class Solidarities to the Emergence of a Vernacular Cosmopolitanism; Fitzhugh Auditorium & Online
- 10:30 – 10:45 Tea & Coffee, Exeter Cohen Quad, Learning Commons
- 10:45 – 12:15 Parallel Sessions 1a-d
- 12:15 – 13:15 Lunch, Exeter Cohen Quad, Dakota Café
- 13:15 – 14:45 Parallel Sessions 2a-d
- 14:45 – 15:00 Comfort break
- 15:00 – 16:30 Parallel Sessions 3a-c
- 16:30 – 17:00 Tea & Coffee, Exeter Cohen Quad, Learning Commons
- 17:00 – 18:00 Keynote 2: Prof Sara McDougall (CUNY), Encounters with Jehanne from Lorraine in Late Medieval Dijon; Fitzhugh Auditorium & Online
- 19:30 – 22:00 Conference Dinner, Exeter College Hall, Exeter College, Turl Street
Tuesday 12 April
- Registration from 08:30, Exeter Cohen Quad, Learning Commons
- 09:00 – 10:30 Parallel Sessions 4a-c
- 10:30 – 10:45 Tea & Coffee, Exeter Cohen Quad, Learning Commons
- 10:45 – 11:45 Parallel Sessions 5a-c
- 11:45 – 13:15 SSFH AGM & Lunch, Exeter Cohen Quad, Dakota Café
- 13:15 – 14:45 Parallel Sessions 6a-c
- 14:45 – 15:00 Comfort break
- 15:00 – 16:30 Parallel Sessions 7a-c
- 16:30 – 17:00 Tea & Coffee, Exeter Cohen Quad, Learning Commons
- 17:00 – 18:00 Keynote 3: Prof Mélanie Traversier (Lille), Musical Encounters in Enlightenment France: Interactions between Science, Technology and Performance; Fitzhugh Auditorium & Online
- Delegates free to eat in Oxford
- Silent Disco tbc
Wednesday 13 April
- 9:00 ̶ 10:30: TORCH PGR/ECR Session on developing Public Engagement, Knowledge Exchange, and Community History projects, Maison Française d’Oxford.
- 10:30 – 11:00 Tea & Coffee, Maison Française d’Oxford
- 11:00 ̶ 12:30 Roundtable Discussion on the French Presidential Elections and Contemporary French Politics Maison Française d’Oxford
Organisers: Christina de Bellaigue, David Hopkin, Erica Charters, Will Clement, Robert Gildea, Ruth Harris, James McDougall, David Parrott, Judith Rainhorn, Hannah Skoda
- Delegates can check into their accommodation at Exeter Cohen Quad and register from 2pm
- Delegates are alerted to the Pissarro Exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum. Entries from 4pm on Sunday are reserved for conference delegates (up to 20 people) and do not require advance booking. However, delegates will have to buy their own tickets on the door (full price = £14.50). The exhibition and the Museum are open throughout the conference, from 10:00 to 17:00.
- 15:30 – SSFH Steering Committee Meeting, Kloppenburg Room, Exeter Cohen Quad
- 17:30 – 19:00 Welcome Reception sponsored by the Voltaire Foundation and the Oxford Centre for European History, Maison Française d’Oxford, 2-10 Norham Road.

Registration from 8:30am: Learning Commons at Exeter College, Cohen Quad. Tea & Coffee available
09:15 - 10:30: Welcome & Plenary 1 – FitzHugh Auditorium & online via Teams
Dr Christina Horvath - Banlieues as Loci of Encounter, from Working Class Solidarities to the Emergence of a Vernacular Cosmopolitanism. Chair: Will Clement
10:30 - 10:45: Tea & Coffee - Exeter Cohen Quad Learning Commons
10:45 - 12:15: Parallel Sessions 1
Panel 1a: Encounters in the Contentious Atlantic World (Maddicott) |
Panel 1b: International Isolation and Connection in the 19th Century (Kloppenburg) |
Panel 1c [Hybrid]: Intimate Strangers from the 18th to the 20th Centuries (FitzHugh) |
Panel 1d: Catholic and Muslim Identities in 20th Century France (Ruskin) |
Harry M. Lewis - Across the Frontier: the Jacobites in St Kitts, 1688-1713. Giulio Talini – The Chambres Mi-Partie d’Agriculture et de Commerce of the French Antilles and the French State (1759-1763). Maria Zukovs – The Impact of the French Revolution on Franco-Irish Relations through Advertisements in the Dublin Press, 1788-1790. Chair: Mike Broers |
Karine Varley - France Alone? Republican Isolation and the Mobilisation of International Opinion in the Franco-Prussian War. Jean-Michel Johnston - Discovering a Diaspora: Encounters with Armenia(ns) in 19th Century France. Giuseppe Pio Cascavilla - The French Consul and the Pasha, Friendship and Political Survival in Bosnia at the beginning of the 19th Century. Chair: Alex Paulin-Booth |
Catherine Phipps - Between Metropole and Colony: Bordels Militaires de Campagne, Colonial Sex Work, and Migration in French Morocco. Sasha Rasmussen - From Russia with Love: Transnational Female Intimacy at the Fin de Siècle. Will Pooley – The Story of Witchcraft in France, 1790-1940. Chair: David Hopkin |
Rachel Coombes - Catholic Revivalism in Music and Art: Maurice Denis and the Grégorianistes of Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Samuel Young - ‘Restoring the Beautiful Families of our Class’ – Catholic Working-Class Youth and the Conflict Between Family and State in France, 1927-1940. Zaki Kribi – Être indigène en France. Expérimenter l’altérité religieuse et culturelle en temps colonial. Chair: Owen Coughlan |
12:15 – 13:15: Lunch - Exeter Cohen Quad Dakota Café
13:15 – 14:45: Parallel Sessions 2
Panel 2a: Money, Power, and Violence in Early Modern France (Maddicott) |
Panel 2b: Thinking about Revolution (Kloppenburg) |
Panel 2c [Hybrid]: Une Élite Parisienne dans la France Profonde? Jewish Country Houses in French Jewish History (FitzHugh) |
Panel 2d: Radicalism, Counter-Culture and Satire in 20th Century France (Ruskin) |
Sian Hibbert - Encountering Power: Women and Interpersonal Violence in Early Modern Languedoc. Marc W.S. Jaffré - An Urban Intrusion into Court Life? Merchants at the French Court, 1610-1643. Clare Burgess - Encountering Sex for Sale: A Geographical Approach to Understanding Sex Work in Late 16th Century Lyon. Chair: David Parrott |
David Andress - Encountering a Revolution: Trust and Distrust in the First Months of the 1789 National Assembly. Antonia Perna – Religion and Republicanism in Children’s Textbooks in Revolutionary France and Italy. Morgan Golf-French - Theorizing Captivity in Napoleonic Europe: Charles de Villers’ Essai sure les prisonniers de guerre (1808). Chair: Joseph Clarke |
Noëmie Duhaut - From Remote Forests to Fashionable Seaside Resorts: Adolphe Crémieux’s Lieux de Villégiatures. Lisa Leff - A Jewish and Republican Chateau: Jacques de Reinach in Nivillers, France, 1882-1892. Cyril Grange - Les Châteaux et résidences de villégiature des familles de la grande bourgeoisie juive parisienne (1890-1939) : Diffusion, répartition géographique et choix architecturaux. Chair: Abigail Green Discussant: Ruth Harris |
Sarah Farmer - The ‘Guru’ and the ‘Outlaw’: Legends and Legacies of 1970s Countercultural Leaders. Andrew Smith – ‘Another World is Possible’: Visions of Utopia on the Larzac Plateau. Imen Neffati - Stéphane Charbonnier, Dessinateur de presse, Journalist, Activist, 'Islamogauchiste', and 'Islamophobe Anti-Raciste'. Chair: Jessica Wardhaugh |
14:45-15:00: Comfort break
15:00-16:30: Parallel Sessions 3
Panel 3a: Capitalism and Empire in the 20th Century (Kloppenburg) |
Panel 3b [Hybrid]:Transnational Institutions in the 19th and 20th Centuries (FitzHugh) |
Panel 3c: Shaping Power Dynamics: Encounters and Conflicts with the Crown (15th-16th Centuries) Transnational Institutions in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Ruskin) |
Armel Campagne - The Making of Industrial Fossil Fuel Production in Colonial Algeria and China (1873-1962). Susan C. Bay - Listening to the Spirit of the French Union: Colonial Radio in French West Africa and French Equatorial Africa, 1946-1958. Cesare Vagge – Organising Modern Capitalism in France; Vichy Planners, Democratic Reformers and the Making of the Post-War Économie Concertée (1942-1946) Chair: James McDougall |
Avner Ofrath - How to be French, Jewish, and Ottoman: Universalism and Particularism at the Alliance Israélite Universelle School in Jerusalem, 1882-1929. Marie Robin - 'A Hallowed Institution’: The Bordel Militaire de Campagne and Military Prostitution in French North Africa and Vietnam (c. 1940-1960s). Catalina Mackaman-Lofland - A Colonial or French University in Algiers?: The Université d’Alger Between Vichy and Free French Politics. Chair: Abigail Green |
Ysaline Bourgine de Meder - Narrating Treason and Loyalties in Late Medieval Normandy: Encounters between Norman Lords and the English Crown. Austin Collins – Showcasing Religious Toleration on the Urban Stage: Spatial Encounters between the French Monarchy and the Lyon City Council during the French Wars of Religion. Andrew Green – A “King of Clemency, Unity and Peace”? Charles VII and Encounters with Rebels in the mid 15th Century. Chair: Penny Roberts |
16:30 - 17:00: Tea and Coffee - Exeter Cohen Quad Learning Commons
17:00 - 18:00: Plenary 2 – FitzHugh Auditorium & online via Teams
Professor Sara McDougall (CUNY), Encounters with Jehanne from Lorraine in Late Medieval Dijon. Chair: Daniel Power
19:30-22:30: Conference Dinner – Exeter College Hall, Turl St
Registration from 8:30am: Learning Commons at Exeter College, Cohen Quad. Tea & Coffee available.
09:00 – 10:30 Parallel Sessions 4
Panel 4a: Slavery, Environmental Knowledge and Imperial Reform in the French Indian Ocean, c.1750-1830 (Kloppenburg) |
Panel 4b [Hybrid]: Radicalism in the 20th Century (FitzHugh) |
Panel 4c: Encounters and Migrations in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Ruskin) |
Joseph La Hausse de Lalouvière - Slavery and Enlightenment in the Indian Ocean World of Joseph-François Charpentier de Cossigny. Oliver Cussen - The Feudal Origins of ‘Green Imperialism’: Land and Property in the French Mascarene Islands, 1720-1793. Catherine Peters - Kan Gao and Chinese Men in Cayenne: Plant Knowledge, Portraiture, and Petitioning. Chair: Katherine Ibbett |
Constance Bantman – Re-encountering The French Anarchists in London, 1880-1914. Ying Xing - Malraux’s Encounter with Asia: A Shared Concept of ‘Revolution’ between French and Chinese Leftists in the 1920s and 1930s. Daniel Gordon - Unlikely Encounters? British Students and Intellectuals in France in May-July 1968. Chair: Karine Varley |
Erik de Lange - An Expansionist Gathering: The 1830 Invasion of Algiers as a Transnational Endeavour Owen Coughlan - Contentious Encounters with Newcomers to the Alès Coalfield in the Interwar Period. Mariella Terzoli - From Clash to Recognition? Italian Soldiers from Prisoners to Legionnaires, North Africa 1943 – 1946. Chair: Judith Rainhorn |
10:30 – 10:45: Tea & Coffee - Exeter Cohen Quad Learning Commons
10:45 – 11:45: Parallel Sessions 5
Panel 5a: Military Identities in the 20th Century (Kloppenburg) |
Panel 5b [Hybrid]: Early Modern Anxieties of Migration (FitzHugh) |
Panel 5c: Tales of Encounter in French Culture (Ruskin) |
Terry Cudbird – Regional Encounters on the Western Front 1914-1918. Meriel Smithson - Here We Are Again: Encountering the Present via the Past in the Wartime Diaries of French Soldier, Gustave Folcher. Chair: Julian Wright |
Christophe Gillain - Anxieties of Asylum: Emotions, Elite Sociability, and the Reception of French Exiles in 17th Century Europe. Dan Rafiqi - Double-Edged Sword? The Influence of Protestant ‘Schemas of Suffering’ Upon Huguenot Refugees' Responses to Persecution, 1681-1740. Chair: Giora Sternberg |
Caroline Lesemann-Elliott - From Versailles to YouTube: Encounters with Redface in French Baroque Opera, Then and Now. Lillian Specker - Ghostly Encounters Between Texts Across Time: Rewriting and Retelling in Francophone Algerian Literature. Chair: Jennifer Yee |
11:45 – 13:15 AGM & Lunch – FitzHugh Auditorium & Dakota Cafe
13:15 – 14:45 Parallel Sessions 6
Panel 6a: Transnational Encounters in the History of French Socialism and Liberalism (Kloppenburg) |
Panel 6b [Hybrid]:Diversity, Equality and inclusion in French History – Roundtable (FitzHugh) |
Panel 6c: Questions of Trust and Evidence in the 17th and 18th Centuries (Ruskin) |
Atlanta Rae Neudorf – Milieux of Exile: London and the Political Thought of Félix Pyat, 1852-1855. David Klemperer – Transnational Encounters in the Development of Revisionist Socialism in France, 1924-1933. Hugo Bonin – When Democracy Meets Liberalism: Understanding French “Liberal Democracy” in the 20th Century. Chair: Jonathan Krause |
Details tbc |
Nga Bellis-Phan - How Witness Statements Shape Criminal Investigation? The Murder Case of Marie Dufour, a Pawnbroker in 18th Century Paris. Emma Spary – Encountering New Drugs. Rodney Dean – Joseph Fouché’s Spiritual Encounters in 1793. Chair: David Andress |
14:45 – 15:00: Comfort Break
15:00 – 16:30: Parallel Sessions 7
Panel 7a: Merchants and Money in the 18th and 19th Centuries (Kloppenburg) |
Panel 7b [Hybrid]: Encounters in Vichy France (Maddicott) |
Panel 7c [Hybrid]: French Jews Beyond France (FitzHugh) |
Panel 7d: Disruptive International Encounters from the 18th to the 20th Centuries (Ruskin) |
Mark Edward Hay - Louisiana, Hope, Amsterdam: The Dutch roots of the French capital market. Lauren R. Clay - Capitalism Without Class? Reassessing Social Ordering During the Ancien Régime: The Case of France’s Négociants. Chair: Marc Jaffré |
Daniel Baker – Rencontres Miliciennes: Emotional Training in Violence and the Creation of an In-Group in the Milice Française. Jessica Wardhaugh – War Music: Cultural Encounters in Political Song, 1930-1945. Jan Burzlaff – Encounters in Vichy France: Surviving the Holocaust. Chair: Martin Conway |
Noëmie Duhaut - French Jews, Legal Practice, and the Construction of Empire: The Case of Adolphe Crémieux. Cyril Grange & Abigail Green - Jewish internationalism in France and the Haute Banque. Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah - Ibrahim Nahum: The Ambivalent Francophile. Chair: Lisa Leff Discussant: Jaclyn Granick |
Sean Heath - Encountering the Emperor: Charles Maigrot's 1706 audience with Kangxi revisited. Fatima-Ezzahrae Touilila - The Caliphate Question: a Disruption into a European Legal Imperial Order (1914-1926). Luc-André Brunet - “Tendons la main à l’Afrique du Sud”: France and Apartheid, 1944-1958. Chair: Lilian Specker |
16:30 - 17:00: Tea and Coffee - Exeter Cohen Quad Learning Commons
17:00 – 18:00: Plenary 3 – FitzHugh Auditorium & online via Teams
Professor Mélanie Traversier (Lille), Musical Encounters in Enlightenment France: Interactions between Science, Technology and Performance.
9:00 – 10:30: TORCH PGR/ECR Session on developing Public Engagement, Knowledge Exchange, and Community History Projects, Maison Française d’Oxford
Featuring Professor Wes Williams (TORCH) and Professor Kate Astbury (Warwick); Dr Hanna Smyth, (Public Engagement Officer, Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging).
10:30 – 11:00: Tea & Coffee
11:00 - 12:30: Roundtable Discussion on the French Presidential Elections and Contemporary French Politics, Maison Française d'Oxford
Featuring Emile Chabal (Edinburgh), Deborah Cameron (Oxford), Philippe Marlière (UCL)
Chair: Andrew Smith
Conference close
From its inception, SSFH has prided itself on providing a welcoming and supportive conference environment for scholars of all career-stages to engage in academic debate and networking. In this spirit, and with a continuing commitment to promoting equality and diversity in the conduct of our business, please take note of the following code of conduct to be observed at SSFH conferences and sponsored events:
- All participants are to be treated with respect and are entitled both to a hearing for their views and to feel secure in the conference environment.
- All participants are expected to speak and behave in a way which avoids causing others to feel disrespected, harassed, or threatened, for any reason.
- All participants should respect the authority of panel chairs, most notably:
- over the timing of presentations, which should be exercised to ensure equity between presenters, and adequate time for discussion within the session;
- over the management of discussions to ensure that, with limited time available, an equitable range of individuals are given the opportunity to ask questions; if time is particularly short, then priority for further interventions should be given, as far as practicable, to early-career scholars.
- Questions and comments should always be directed to the subject matter of presentations, and remain constructive in tone even, and especially, where appropriately critical.
- In the conduct of conference business, the following more specific points of protocol are to be adhered to:
- Presentations should NOT be recorded or photographed without the specific prior consent of the individual presenter;
- Conference proceedings are normally open to live-tweeting and any other indirect social-media dissemination, unless a specific presenter prefers that their material is kept within the room; panel chairs should make this clear where necessary, and all participants should respect any such restrictions.
- Any participant experiencing or witnessing conduct in contravention of the points above is encouraged to point it out, either directly, or confidentially by contacting Christina de Bellaigue or David Hopkin from the conference organising team, in the knowledge that their concerns will be taken seriously. Christina and David can be contacted in person, via email (christina.debellaigue@history.ox.ac.uk and David.Hopkin@history.ac.uk) or via Twitter DMs (@cadbellaigue).
- Any participant may be asked to leave the event if their behaviour or speech breaches this code.
Conference hashtag: #SSFH2022