Faculty Deadline: Monday 10 August 2020
The Faculty of History is inviting applications for the 2020 round of MSCA Individual Fellowships. Please contact us at rf@history.ox.ac.uk as early as possible if you are interested in applying for one of these Fellowships. We recommend getting in touch with your proposed supervisor to confirm they are happy to support your application as soon as you can, as these applications do require considerable input from the supervisor.
The call is open now, and the Faculty deadline for applications is Monday 10 August 2020. For full details of the scheme and how to make an application, visit the EC’s Funding Tenders website here. Documents which may be particularly helpful to applicants are the EC’s Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020, available here, and the Guide for Applicants, available here.
These Fellowships fund post-doctoral researchers of any discipline to undertake a research project of their choice. International mobility is essential and fellowships include personal and career development objectives. Applications must therefore be written jointly between the applicant, the prospective supervisor and the host Oxford Department/Faculty. Individual Fellowships are aimed at researchers who already have a doctorate or equivalent research experience (more than 4 years full-time research experience).
Brexit Update
UK institutions are still eligible to apply to host 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement. Eligibility to apply for ERC or Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship grants continues unchanged until 31 December 2020. Evaluation will not be affected by Brexit. The terms of the withdrawal agreement also guarantee that UK participation in ongoing projects, and in new Horizon 2020 projects, will be funded by the EU for the full duration of the projects regardless of start and end dates.