Research Topic
'Transatlantic Logistics: Sustaining the French colonial military, 1713-1763’
Supervisor: Dr David Parrott
Transatlantic Logistics examines the complex logistical system that backed military activities in the 18th century French Atlantic. How were military supplies produced and transported across the Atlantic and through the American wilderness? How was defence and transport infrastructure built and maintained? These are some of the questions addressed by my doctoral project.
Drawing on experience from my master’s level work on colonial agency and state authority in the French Indian Ocean (report published in French History 32/1) , my work aims to better understand the nuances of imperial control in the 18th century by reevaluating the roles of private contractors, merchants, colonial officials, and non-Europeans in the French Atlantic World.
Academic profile
2013-2016 : BA History, Université Toulouse II - Jean Jaurès with year abroad at the University of St Andrews (2015-2016)
2016-2017 : MLitt Early Modern History, University of St Andrews
2018-Pres : DPhil History, University of Oxford