Dr Alexander Morrison


I would like to hear from potential DPhil students regarding European Military History; History of the Russian Empire; Imperial  & Colonial History; Central Asian History          .

I currently teach:

Prelims: FHS:

Approaches to History

EWH VII Eurasian Empires 1450 - 1800

EWH IV: 1815-1914 (Society, Nation, and Empire). 

EWH X The European Century, 1820-1925

Foreign Texts: Trotsky

EWH XI Global and Imperial History 1750 - 1930


EWH XIII Europe Divided 1914 – 1989

  EWH XIV The Global 20th Century, 1930 – 2003

Theme Paper C: Waging War in Eurasia, 1200-1945


SS 23 Empire and Nation in Russia and the USSR, ca. 1890-1924


Disciplines of History