Dr%20Jan-Georg%20Deutsch: List of publications

Showing 1 to 20 of 20 publications
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Introduction: Labour in transport: Histories from the Global South (Africa, Asia, and Latin America), c.1750 to 1950

Memory, Oral History, and the End of Slavery in Colonial Tanzania: Some Methodological Considerations

Slavery, the slave trade and abolition

Notes on the Rise of Slavery and Social Change in Unyamwezi, c. 1860-1900

Prices for Female Slaves and Changes in their Life Cycle. Evidence from German East Africa

Emancipation Without Abolition in German East Africa, C.1884-1914

German Sources on Zanzibar: The Siku Kuu of 1891

Absence of Evidence is no Proof? Slave Resistance under German Colonial Rule in East Africa

Celebrating Power in Everyday Life: The Administration of Law and the Public Sphere in Colonial Tanzania, 1890-1914

African Modernities Entangled Meanings in Current Debate

Introduction: Cherished Visions and Entangled Meanings

Space on the Move: Transformations of the Indian Ocean Seascape in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century

The Indian Ocean and a very small place in Zanzibar


Editorial: Überlegungen zur Postkolonie Die Eerignisse vom 27. Januar 2001 in Zanzibar

Afrikabezogene Nachlässe in den Bibliotheken und Archiven der Bundesländer Berlin, Brandenburg und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Geschichte in Afrika Einführung in Probleme und Debatten

Educating the Middlemen: A Political and Economic History of Statutory Cocoa Marketing in Nigeria, 1936-1947

"Exterminate all the Brutes”. Race, Power, and Violence in German Colonial Africa